Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: Indication Procedure Complications by NJE

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: Bone marrow aspiration means to withdraw the fluid portion of the marrow and the bone marrow biopsy means to take out a piece of bone core with help of...

Monkeypox: Symptoms Transmission Prevention Treatment by NJE

Monkeypox is an uncommon disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus in the group Poxviridae. The Orthopoxvirus genus also includes variola virus (which causes smallpox), vaccinia virus (used in the smallpox vaccine), and...

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Menorrhagia): Causes Diagnosis Treatment by NJE

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Menorrhagia): Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a broad term for variations in normal menses. Normal duration of menstrual flow is 5 days; normal menstrual cycle is 21 to 35 days. Heavy...

Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP): Indication Mechanism Procedure Complication

 Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP): This is a specialist procedure and should only be performed by trained specialists. It is presented to aid understanding of when it should be employed in general medical practice.Indications of...

Breast Biopsy: Overview Preparation Findings Indication Nursing Assessment

Breast Biopsy: To assist in establishing a diagnosis of breast disease; in the presence of breast cancer, this test is also used to assist in evaluating prognosis and management of response to therapy.PATIENT PREPARATION...

Central Venous Catheter: Indication Anatomy Preparation Technique Procedure Complications

Central Venous Catheter placement is a common procedure used for venous access and various other indications in intensive care units. The advantages over peripheral venous access include reducing phlebitis, availability of multiple ports for...

HEART FAILURE: Pathophysiology Types Causes Diagnosis Treatment

Heart failure is a pathophysiological state of the heart when cardiac performance is too low to maintain the cardiac output to meet the demands of the metabolizing tissues.PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HEART FAILURECardiac failure can occur...

Mastoiditis: Causes Risk Factors Diagnosis Prevention Treatment

Mastoiditis is an inflammatory process of the mastoid air cells or posterior process of the temporal bone, most commonly a suppurative complication of acute otitis media (AOM)DESCRIPTION OF MASTOIDITIS∎ Acute mastoiditis typically...